I knew from the beginning I wanted to research how children are viewed and how is has changed. I have such a strong view childhood because of research done in my program and I was curious to investigate further and see if my views would stay the same.

After receiving feedback on my research proposal, I realized that my topic was so broad and could go in many different ways. I decided to focus on the question why?Why has childhood changed so much in the past century? What has influenced this change? I did a lot of research and found a common factor was the introduction of technology and social media.

This propelled me into my research on technology and childhood! I was very interested with what I found, however I had to be aware of the fact that I am very against technology and children. I had to force myself to view it from another perspective which I found challenging.

I am really curious to see how childhood changes and how the children that are being raise in the age of social media are going to grow up. So, in a sense, my research is to be continued…